Maher Zain My Little Girl

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My Little GirlMaher Zain

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Maher Zain My Little Girl Letra

Maher Zain - My Little Girl Sözleri

You are a miracle

You are a blessing from above

You brought joy to my soul

And pleasure to my eyes

In my heart I can feel it

An unexplainable feeling

Being a father

The best thing that I could ever ask for


Just thinking of you makes me smile

Holding you, looking in your eyes

I'm so grateful for having you

And everyday I pray

I pray that you'll find your way


You know I love you, I love you

My little girl, my little girl

I ask God to bless you, and protect you always

My little girl, my little girl

You're like a shining star

So beautiful you are

My baby girl

You light up my world

I pray that I'll get the chance

To be around and watch you grow

And witness your first steps

And the first time when you will call me "dad"



I could spend hours watching you

You're so innocent, so wonderful and pure

O God I can not express my gratitude!

But I'll raise her good, 'cause all I want is to please You

And now I pray You'll guide her steps forever



maher zain little girl
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