Maher Zain I Believe

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I BelieveMaher Zain

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Maher Zain I Believe Letra

Maher Zain - I Believe Sözleri

When you're searching for the light

And you see no hope in sight

Be sure and have no doubt

He's always close to you

He's the one who knows you best

He knows what's in your heart

You'll find your peace at last

If you just have faith in Him

You're always in my heart and mind

Your name is mentioned every day

I'll follow you no matter what

My biggest wish is to see you one day


I believe

I believe

Do you believe, oh do you believe?

Coz I believe

In a man who used to be

So full of love and harmony

He fought for peace and liberty

And never would he hurt anything

He was a mercy for mankind

A teacher till the end of time

No creature could be compared to him

So full of light and blessings

You're always in my heart and mind

Your name is mentioned every day

I'll follow you no matter what

If God wills we'll meet one day


If you lose your way

Believe in a better day

Trials will come

But surely they will fade away

If you just believe

What is plain to see

Just open your heart

And let His love flow through

I believe I believe, I believe I believe

And now I feel my heart is at peace


I believe I believe, I believe I believe


maher zain believe
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