Maher Zain Forgive Me

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Forgive MeMaher Zain

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Maher Zain Forgive Me Letra

Maher Zain - Forgive Me Sözleri

I'm about to lose the battle and cross the line

I'm about to make another mistake

And even though I try to stay awake

Everything around me keeps dragging me in

I can't help thinking to myself

What if my time would end today, today, today

Can I guarantee that I will get another chance

Before it's too late, too late, too late

Forgive me

My heart is so full of regret

Forgive me

Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent

Am I out of my mind?

What did I do?

Oh, I feel so bad

And everytime I try to start all over again

My shame comes back to haunt me

I'm trying hard to walk away

But temptation is surrounding me

I wish that I could find the strength

To change my life before it's too late, too late, too late

Forgive me

My heart is so full of regret

Forgive me

Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent

I know, Oh Allah, you're the most forgiving

And that you promised to always be there

When I call upon you

So now I'm standing here ashamed of all the mistakes I've commited

Please don't turn me away

And hear my prayer when I ask you to

Forgive me

My heart is so full of regret

Forgive me

Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent



maher zain forgive
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