Maher Zain feat Salim-Sulaiman-Ya Khuda

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feat Salim-Sulaiman-Ya KhudaMaher Zain

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Maher Zain feat Salim-Sulaiman-Ya Khuda Letra

Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
A million faces around the world but,
One thing is the same,
In their eyes I can see a light,
Calling out your name,
Har din har raat mein... (Every day and every night…)
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
In your light I can feel the love,
It’s all that I need
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
Deep inside of me
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
You’re the one that I seek,
You’re the shelter from the rain
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning...)
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
In your light I can feel your love,
It’s all that I see,
You’re the beat and the harmony,
That’s inside of me
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
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