Maher Zain Always Be There

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Always Be ThereMaher Zain

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Maher Zain Always Be There Letra

Maher Zain - Always Be There Sözleri

Allahu Akbar [x8]

If you ask me about love

And what i know about it

My answer would be

It's everything about Allah

The pure love, to our souls

The creator of you and me

The heavens and the whole universe

The one that made us whole and free

The guardian of His true believers

So when the time gets hard

There's no way to turn

As He promised He will always be there

To bless us with His love and His mercy

Cuz as He promised He will always be there

He's always watching us, guiding us

And He knows what's in our little hearts

So when you lose your way

To Allah you should turn

Cuz as He promised He will always be there

He brings us out from the darkness into the light

Subhanallah capable of everything

Shouldn't never feel afraid of anything

As long as we follow His guidance all the way

Through our short time we have in this life


maher zain always there
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