LP Suspicion

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LP Suspicion Letra

Cut right to the chase and
Choose your words to make it clear to me
You seem so heaven sent but
Somehow I still invent the fear in me
A lie is just a lie
A cry is still a cry
The past becomes the crime in my mind
Suspicion, suspicion
How you've changed my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
Unchain my heart
Crippled cruel emotion
Enough to make an ocean turn to green
The silliest of notions
Why Romeo took potion basically
To be or not to be
To cheat or not to cheat
Believe or not believe that you're mine
Suspicion, suspicion
How you've changed my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
Unchain my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
How you've changed my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
Unchain my heart
Anywhere you go all roads still lead to
It's harder than you know to be led back to
Suspicion, suspicion
How you've changed my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
Unchain my heart
Suspicion, suspicion
How you've changed my heart
Unchain my heart


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