Lizz Wright Stop

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StopLizz Wright

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Tiempo: 03:45 Tamaño: 3.45 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 6


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Lizz Wright Stop Letra

Don´t tell me to stop
Tell the rain not to drop
Tell the wind not to blow
'Cause he said so
Tell me love isn´t true
It´s just something we do
Tell me everything I´m not
Don´t tell me to stop
Tell the sun not to shine
Not to get up this time
Let it fall by the way
Leave me where I lay
Tell the leaves not to turn
Don´t tell me I´ll learn
Take the black off a crow
But don´t tell me go
Tell the bed not to lay
Like the mouth of a grave
Not to stare up at me
Like a calf on its knees
Tell me love isn´t true
It´s just something we do
Tell me everything I´m not
But don´t tell me to stop
Tell me everything I´m not
Don´t tell me to stop


lizz wright stop
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