Lil Baby Emotionally Scarred

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Emotionally ScarredLil Baby

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Lil Baby Emotionally Scarred Letra

A love letter came through the mail, it said, "I miss you"

I ripped it up and flushed with the tissue, try to forget you

I ain't got nothing against you, we human, we all got issues

But I'm tired of being tired of being tired

That part of me done died

I see it, then I don't, act like I'm blind

I'm confident it won't be one of mine

I know emotions come with lies, so I tell the truth all the time

Ain't got no sympathy for no bitch

I admit that I'm rich and I'm lit

Jumpin' up on stages, I get two hundred an occasion

Bro had really fucked the game up, we made niggas shut they trap down

They see how I made it, I'm the reason they won't rap now

See me out in traffic, make a hater pull his hat down

The biggest OG's salute me, a stylist can't even style me

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