Levent Gunesh Gecer

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Levent Gunesh Gecer Letra

Serseri Neyzen'in aşkınla kulak ver sözüne,
Girmemiştir bu avalim, bu bedyi' gözüne.
Cehlinin kudreti baktırmadı kendi özüne.
Pir olur sakiy-i gül çehre bakılmaz yüzüne,
Hak olur pir-i mugan, sohbet-i hemdem de geçer.

Izdırabın sonu yok sanma, bu alem de geçer,
Ömr-i fani gibidir, gün de geçer, dem de geçer,
Gam karar eyliyemez hande-i hurrem de geçer,
Devr-i şadi de geçer, gussa-i matem de geçer,
Gece gündüz yok olur, an-ı dem adem de geçer,

Bu tecelli-i hayat aşk ile büktü belimi,
Çağlıyan göz yaşı mı, yoksa ki hicran seli mi?
İnleyen saz-ı kazanın acaba bam teli mi?
Çevrilir dest-i kaderle bu şu'unun fili mi,
Ney susar, mey dökülür, gulgule-i Cam de geçer,
Serseri Neyzen'in aşkınla kulak ver sözüne,
Girmemiştir bu avalim, bu bedyi' gözüne.
Cehlinin kudreti baktırmadı kendi özüne.
Pir olur sakiy-i gül çehre bakılmaz yüzüne,
Hak olur pir-i mugan, sohbet-i hemdem de geçer.
Passes Off
With love, lend an ear to what the vagrant Neyzen says
Neither these worlds nor all beauties have charmed his eyes
The power of delusion hampered a look at his own essence
The rosy-faced wine-bearer is now an elder, not a sight to see
He who flares the fire is earth now, claver of intimates also passes.
Don’t reckon suffering to be endless, this world also passes off
Just like mortal life, day and moment do pass off
Grief cannot stay, relieving laughter passes off
The happy era passes off, like the sorrow of mourning
Day and night also vanish, and time in its flow passes off
Manifestations of this life left me broken with love
Is that a gushing of tears or a flood of parting now?
May these groans the lowest notes of the saz of mishap be
The film of what happens is shot through the hand of destiny
The reed is silent, the wine spilt off, and the crowd’s humming passes
With love, lend an ear to what the vagrant Neyzen says
Neither these worlds nor all beauties have charmed his eyes
The power of delusion hampered a look at his own essence
The rosy-faced wine-bearer is now an elder, not a sight to see
He who flares the fire is earth now, claver of intimates also passes.


levent gunes gecer
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