Lariss Droppin da Bomb

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Droppin da BombLariss

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Lariss Droppin da Bomb Letra

I feel like i'm loosing
I feel like i'm loosing you
You're the one loosing

The only one who's loosing is you

Boy i don't mind i'm dropping the bomb
I am a pretty girl but you are never looking
You keep me on the line like we are overlooping
Again and again and again and again

Over and over again ah

Over and over again ah

I am a pretty girl but you are never looking

You keep me on the line like we are overlooping
Again and again and
Again and again
Over and over again
Over and over
Your the one that I need
Only the one that I need
Youre the one that ı think about baby
Your the one that I need
Only the one that I need
Your the one that I need
Boy I don't mind I'm droppin' da bomb
I'm a little girl

So we dont need fighting
Again and again and
Again and again
Over and over again
Over and over again
I'm a little girl
So we dont need fighting
Forget all the days when I used to go with crying
Never again
Never again
Never and never again
Never and never
Your the one that I need
Only the one that I need
Youre the one that ı think about baby
Your the one that I need
Only the one that I need
Youre the one that I need
Boy I don't mind I'm droppin' da bomb
Feel like I'm loosing
Loosing you
I feel like I'm loving
Loving to breathe you
Boy I don't mind I'm droppin' da bomb


lariss droppin bomb
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