Lana Del Rey Black Beauty

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Black BeautyLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey Black Beauty Letra

I paint my nails black
I dye my hair a darker shade of brown,
Because you like your women Spanish, dark, strong and proud.
I paint the sky black,
You said if you could have your way,
You'd make a night time what a day,
So it suits the mood of your soul
Ohhh, what can I do?
Nothing, my sparrow blue
Ohhhhh, what can I do?
Life is beautiful,
But you don't have a clue
Sun and ocean blue,
They're magnificent,
It don't make sense to you
Black beauty
Ohhh oh oh
Black beauty
Ohhh oh
I paint the house black,
My wedding dress black leather, too.
You have no room for light,
Love is lost on you.
I keep my lips red,
They seem like cherries in the spring.
Darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue.
But, ohhh
What can I do,
To turn you on,
Or get through you?
Ohhh, what can I do?
Life is beautiful,
But you don't have a clue.
Sun and ocean blue,
They're magnificent,
It don't make sense to you.
Black beauty,
Black beauty,
Black beauty,
Black beauty,
Black bea-u-uty,
Black beauty baby
Black beauty baby
Ohhhh what can I do?
Life is beautiful,
But you don't have a clue
Sun and ocean blue,
They're magnificent,
It don't make sense to you
Black beauty,
Black beauty,
Black beauty,
Black beauty,


lana del rey black beauty
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