Lana Del Rey Bel Air

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Bel AirLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey Bel Air Letra

Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate
Trying to tell me to wait
But I can't wait to see you
So I run, like I'm mad, to heaven's door
I don't wanna be bad
I won't cheat you no more
Roses, Bel Air, take me there
I've been waiting to meet you
Palm trees, in the light, I can see, late at night
Darling I'm waiting to greet you
Come to me baby
Spotlight, bad baby, you've got a flair
For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there
Mon amour, sweet child of mine
You're divine
Didn't anyone ever tell you
It's okay to shine?
Roses, Bel Air, take me there
I've been waiting to meet you
Palm trees in the light
I can see, late at night
Darling I'm waiting to greet you
Come to me, baby
Don't be afraid of me
Don't be ashamed
Walk in the way of my soft resurrection
Idol of roses, iconic soul
I know your name
Lead me to war with your brilliant direction
Roses, Bel Air, take me there
I've been waiting to meet you
Palm trees in the light
I can see, late at night
Darling I'm waiting to greet you
Come to me baby
Roses, Bel Air, take me there
I've been waiting to meet you
Grenadine sunshine, and it fades sublime
Darling I'm waiting to greet you
Come to me baby


lana del rey bel air
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