Lady Gaga LoveGame

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LoveGameLady Gaga

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Lady Gaga LoveGame Letra

Lady Gaga - LoveGame Sözleri

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you

But if I do then I might miss you, babe

It's complicated and stupid

Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid

Guess he wants to play, wants to play

I love game, I love game

Hold me and love me

Just want touch you for a minute

Baby three seconds is in enough for my heart to quit it

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Don't think too much, just bust that thick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's play a love game, play a love game

Do you want love, or you want fame

or you win the game

Through the love game

Let's play a love game, play a love game

Do you want love, or you want fame

or you win the game

doin' the love game

I'm on a mission and it involves some heavy touching, yeah

You've indicated your interest, I'm educated in sex, yes

and now I want it bad, want it bad

I love game, I love game

Hold me and love me

Just want touch you for a minute

Baby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit it


lady gaga lovegame
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