Krewella Alive

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Krewella Alive Letra

Let's make this fleeting moment last forever
So tell me, what you waitin' for?
I'm gonna keep it frozen here forever
There's no regretting anymore
It's worth to wait, even so far away
I'm making the night mine until the day I die
No light to break when you're hangin' by fate
You know what it feels like when you're dancing blind
All alone just the beat inside my soul
Take me home where my dreams are made of gold
In the zone where the beat is uncontrolled
I know what it feels like
Come on, make me feel alive!
Feel alive...
Meet me under shining lights
I've been waiting right here all my life
Feelings you can't deny that you're living
Open up your eyes
And I just wanna sink into your crazy laughter
Come on make me feel until the pain don't matter
Every second…


krewella alive
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