Karsu Ken Je Mij

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Ken Je MijKarsu

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Karsu Ken Je Mij Letra

Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Eyes that look through the sun
Searching for the place where I live
Are you imagery for someone
Whom is nice, or immeasurably far,
who doesn't stand and doesn't fall
And doesn't feel as I do,
not cold and haughty
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Here is the place where I live
A chair on the water,
A window through wich the weather improves
Whether the falling darkness sails past
Did you call? Here I am
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
I would like to speak a word
That true and mine is
That bears who I am,
That it holds,
I would like to speak a word
That stand straight as a human who is looking at me and says
I am your truest self,
Fear not, Understand me, I am, I am
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Are you the only one for whose eyes
My nakedness is not hidden
Can you have it,
If no one else,
That I give no light, I am not warm,
I'm not beautiful, Not much
That no source rises
In my depth
That I only have this face,
No other.
I am by you, Without shame,
Seen, taken,
By no one less?
wouldn't that be worth far too much?
wouldn't that be worth far too much?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?
Do you know me? Who do you know?
Do you know me better than I?


karsu ken mij
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