Kane Brown Good As You

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Good As YouKane Brown

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Kane Brown Good As You Letra

See the way you're taking care of your Mama
The way you're taking care of me
The way you light up any room, girl
You're what this world should be
Tomorrow, tonight, the rest of my life
I wanna be the man you want me to be
So startin' right now, girl, tell me everything you need
I just wanna wake up everyday here in this bed
Never leave 'I love you' left unsaid
It might take a hundred lifetimes to do
But baby, I just wanna be good as you
Girl, you're more than just the surface
Yeah, you got that heart of gold (heart of gold)
So when it comes to loving you, baby
No, it will never get old
Tomorrow, tonight, the rest of my life
I wanna be the man you want me to be
So startin' right now, girl, tell me everything you need
I just wanna wake up everyday here in this bed
Never leave 'I love you' left unsaid
It might take a hundred lifetimes to do (lifetimes to do)
But baby, I just wanna be good as you
Good as you, baby
I just wanna wake up everyday here in this bed
Never leave I love you left unsaid
It might take a hundred lifetimes to do
But baby, I just wanna be good as you
I just wanna wake up everyday here in this bed (here with you, baby)
Never leave I love you left unsaid (never leave it unsaid)
It might take a hundred lifetimes to do (a hundred lifetimes to do)
But baby, I just wanna be good as you
Baby, I just wanna be good as you


kane brown good you
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