Kali Uchis To Feel Alive

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To Feel AliveKali Uchis

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Kali Uchis To Feel Alive Letra

I just wanna feel somethin'
I just wanna feel somethin', yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, hey, hey, hey
I loved you well, just for you to turn to an enemy
I love the smell of you burnin' your last bridge with me
I love it, yeah, I love it
I love it, yeah, I love it
Whatever makes you happy (makes you happy)
It's all that ever mattered (ever mattered)
And I was raised to give my thanks and hold my baby down (hold you down)
That wasn't enough
No, it wasn't enough, 'cause it's never enough, never enough
I let them crucify me
I kept my head down, humble
Some people get their kicks just steppin' on your dreams, I know it
Kick me while I'm down
And still I get up
Yeah, still I get up, every day I get up
How can I give a damn when I don't give a fuck?
All of the things I've…


kali uchis feel alive
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