Julia Alexa Losing Myself (feat Belfa)

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Losing Myself (feat Belfa)Julia Alexa

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Julia Alexa Losing Myself (feat Belfa) Letra

i'm tired
of waiting
For something i don't know yet
And i'm hating
Everything i once liked
I'm tired
Of things taking
So much time and space
Feels like there's no room left
For me to figure things out

i'm losing myself
Don't wanna go back to how i was
I'm losing myself
And it's better that way
I'm done feeling
Done believing in all the things they say
Cuz in the end i'm the only one
Who'll always stay

I'm tired
Of waiting
For someone i don't know yet
And i'm hating
Everyone i use to like

i'm losing myself
Don't wanna go back to how i was
I'm losing myself
And it's better that way
I'm done feeling
Done believing in all the things they say
Cuz in the end i'm the only one
Who'll always stay
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