John Newman Tiring Game

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Tiring GameJohn Newman

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John Newman Tiring Game Letra

Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
Ah, ah
Ah, ah
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
I have been stressed, working harder every day
I don't need rest but can you take me being away?
Do-do-do-do-do-do want it, tell me baby?
Do-do-do-do-do-do you need it?
Do-do-do-do-do-do want it, tell me baby?
Do-do-do-do-do-do you need it?
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
I know you've been missing me not being home, ah
Your nights are restless, you're a slave to insomnia when I'm gone
Do-do-do-do-do-do want it, tell me baby?
Do-do-do-do-do-do you need it?
Do-do-do-do-do-do want it, tell me baby?
Do-do-do-do-do-do you need it?
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up
Our love is just a tiring game
I never want a thing to change
Our love is just a tiring game
I'll never give it up, I'll never give it up


john newman tiring game
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