John Newman Goodnight Goodbye

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Goodnight GoodbyeJohn Newman

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John Newman Goodnight Goodbye Letra

As soon as the doors slammed
And silence that fell
Was all that you left me
With a story to tell
But I'll take your hands and as chance
Then I'll smoke with you
I tried to find the truth
And I ain't there with you
I never listen, I never listen
All the things you said
I'll never hear again
I should've listened
Don't say goodnight
Know you really meant goodbye
We just watched it burn
Know we could've kept going by
I should be loving you
I should be loving you
Your makeup on my sheets
Your clothes on the floor
The photos that I'll keep
How we were before
Before I took you for granted
Before the memories were torn
I tried to find the truth
And I ain't there with you
I never listen, I never listen
All the things you said
I'll never hear again
I should've listened
Don't say goodnight
Know you really meant goodbye
We just watched it burn
Know we could've kept going by
I should be loving you
I should be loving you
It's time to confess, I'm doing my best
But this time I won't get it wrong
It's time to confess, I'm doing my best
But this time I won't lead you wrong
Don't say goodnight
Know your love didn't mean goodbye
We just watched it burn
Know we could've kept going by
I should be loving you
I should be loving you
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