John Newman Gold Dust

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Gold DustJohn Newman

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John Newman Gold Dust Letra

You and I, it's my time to talk
I'm throwing out these 2 years of thoughts
Please and take a deep breath
I'll lay my heart out, yea I put it on the floor
Tears crash down
Don't face, not now
Screaming out how I changed through time
I know it's hard to leave it
To say we've been defeated
But everything around me has changed
My my
I'll be here
Gold dust
Gold dust
Gold dust
(No more)
Tear drops
Tear drops
Tear drops
Memories, without fortune or fame
Endlessly, through the night and through the day
We make hard times seem easy
Dark days seem so pleasing
But everything around me has changed
My my
I'll be here
Gold dust
Gold dust
Gold dust
(No more)
Tear drops
Tear drops
Tear drops
And I'm so sorry darling
When I wake you're just gonna leave
And I don't want you to be lonely
'Cause I know you'll find your love again
And I promise I'll stop calling
If it makes it easy for you
It hurt to see you leaving
But it's for the best believe me, my friend
Gold dust
Gold dust
Gold dust
(No more)
Tear drops
Tear drops
Tear drops
Gold dust
Gold dust
Gold dust
(No more)
Tear drops
Tear drops
Tear drops
Gold dust
Gold dust
Gold dust
(No more)
Tear drops
Tear drops
Tear drops


john newman gold dust
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