John Newman Animal

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John Newman Animal Letra

You'll never take the greatest part of me
You'll never leave me broken at your feet
'Cause just when you think you know me well
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
Hold tight, I'm about to blow, about to break out of the cage
I'm about to lose my shit
Hot head and red eyed, howling in the moonlight
I'm just the way you wanted me
All that is sure is love
But all that you hear is hate
If all that I am ain't enough
Then I'll show you what I can be
You'll never take the greatest part of me
You'll never leave me broken at your feet
'Cause just when you think you know me well
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
You'll never take the greatest part of me
Yeah, I will be just what I wanna be
'Cause just when you think you know me well
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
Darkness to daylight, drowning in paradise
This is who I'm meant to be (A.N.i.M.A.L)
I'm fearless, I'm out there, I'm let loose with no care
Is this the way you wanted me? (A.N.i.M.A.L)
And all that I'm sure is love
But maybe that's not what you need
You'll never take the greatest part of me (Oh-oh)
You'll never leave me broken at your feet (A.N.i.M.A.L)
'Cause just when you think you know me well (Oh-oh)
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
You'll never take the greatest part of me (Oh-oh)
You'll never leave me broken at your feet (A.N.i.M.A.L)
'Cause just when you think you know me well (Oh-oh)
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
We're running out, yeah, running out
We're running out of time, the fire is burning with hate
We're running out, yeah, running out
We're running out of time but still I will rise from the flames
You'll never take the greatest part of me
And I will be just what I want to be (Yeah)
You'll never take the greatest part of me (Oh-oh)
You'll never leave me broken at your feet (A.N.i.M.A.L)
'Cause just when you think you know me well (Oh-oh)
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L
You'll never take the greatest part of me (Oh-oh)
Yeah, I will be just what I wanna be (A.N.i.M.A.L)
'Cause just when you think you know me well (Oh-oh)
You create a, you create an A.N.i.M.A.L


john newman animal
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