Jennifer Lopez Dance Again

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Dance AgainJennifer Lopez

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Jennifer Lopez Dance Again Letra

Dance, yes

Love, next

Dance, yes

Love, next

Shimmy shimmy yah, shimmer yam

Shimmer yay

I'm a ol' dirty dog all day

No way, José

Your girl only go one way, ay mi madre

You should check that out

Maybe you ain't turn her out

Maybe it's none of my business

But for now work it out

Let's get this, dale

Nobody knows what I'm feeling inside

I find it so stupid

So why should I hide

That I love to make love to you baby?

(Yeah, make love to me)

So many ways wanna touch you tonight

I'm a big girl got no secrets this time

Yeah, I love to make love to you baby

(Yeah, make love tonight)

If this would be a perfect world

We'd be together then

(Let's do it, do it, do it)

Only got just one life this I've learned

Who cares what they're gonna say?

(Let's do it, do it, do it)

I wanna dance,…
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