Jennifer Lopez Acting Like That

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Acting Like ThatJennifer Lopez

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Jennifer Lopez Acting Like That Letra

Jennifer Lopez Acting Like That Sözleri

I've been down since day 1 yeah
I'm the only one that been right here
Why you acting like you don't care?
I've been down since day 1
Don't let the tables turn
Don't let the bridges burn
Been down for you
Don't get it confused, boy
You could lose your turn
Don't let the tables turn
Don't let the bridges burn
Cause everything could change
In a matter of days
Depending if you've learned
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
(Why you acting like that?)
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
When I leave I'm taking all

Baddest bitch in the world right here
You ain't even gotta go nowhere
Boy you better watch the way you walk
Cause if you trip, you're gonna fall, oh
Don't let the tables turn
Don't let the bridges burn
Been down for you
Don't get it confused, boy
You could lose your turn
Don't let the tables turn Don't let the bridges burn
Cause everything could change
In a matter of days
Depending if you've learned
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
(Why you acting like that?)
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
When I leave I'm taking all

[Iggy Azalea]

Don't let the tables turn
Don't let the bridges burn
Been down for you
Don't get it confused, boy
You could lose your turn
Don't let the tables turn
Don't let the bridges burn
Cause everything could change
In a matter of days
Depending if you've learned
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
(Why you acting like that?)
Why you acting like that?
You gon' miss me when I'm gone
Why you acting like that?
When I leave I'm taking all
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