Jamie Cullum All at Sea

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All at SeaJamie Cullum

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Jamie Cullum All at Sea Letra

I'm all at sea
Where no one can bother me
Forgot my roots
If only for a day
Just me and my thoughts sailing far away.
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea.
I'm all at sea
Where no one can bother me
I sleep by myself
I drink on my own
Don't talk to nobody
I gave away my phone.
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea.
Now I need you more than ever
I need you more than ever now
You don't need it every day
But sometimes don't you just crave
To disappear within your mind
You never know what you might find
So come and spend some time with me
We can spend it all at sea.
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea.


jamie cullum all sea
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