James Blunt No Tears

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No TearsJames Blunt

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James Blunt No Tears Letra

Don't I know it? Nobody has to say
I've been lucky.
Guess I was born that way
I thank my father,
His absence has made me strong
And I love my mother
But she had troubles with God
No tears for the life that you've led
You've had angels in your head
Did you hear them singing in the end
All the things that you've seen
All the things that could have been
Well I've been everything I want to be
So no tears, no tears for me
Yeah, I've bathed in sunshine
But cherished the fading light
And I heard my heartbeat faulter
On a winter's night
I loved a woman
She didn't hear my prayers
So Lord, oh Lord, I'm yours
No tears for the life that you've led
You've had angels in your head
Did you hear them singing in the end
All the things that you've seen
All the things that could have been
Well I've been everything I want to be
So no tears, no tears for me
'Cause someone some where's going home tonight
Trying to understand the sacrifice
So save your tears for those left behind
For the life that you've led
You've had angels in your head
Did you hear them singing in the end
All the things that you've seen
All the things that could have been
Well I've been everything I want to be
So no tears, no tears
No tears for me


james blunt tears
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