Iron Maiden Wasted Years

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Wasted YearsIron Maiden

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Iron Maiden Wasted Years Letra

From the coast of gold, across the seven seas
I'm traveling on, far and wide
But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself
And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but someone else
I close my eyes, and think of home
Another city goes by, in the night
Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it til it's gone away
And my heart is lying there and will be til my dying day
So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years
Face up, make your stand
And realize you're living in the golden years
Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind
Can't ease this pain, so easily
When you can't find the words to say, it's hard to make it through another day
And it makes me want to cry, and throw my hands up to the sky
So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years
Face up, make your stand
And realize you're living in the golden years


iron maiden wasted years
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