Imran Khan Satisfya

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SatisfyaImran Khan

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Imran Khan Satisfya Letra

Gaddi Lamborghini peele rang di
Menu kendi ay chala ve slowly
Oh pehle gear te oh, jadon mordi
O menu lagni ay the one and only
Ay ay bechare mundeyan de dilaan di tu qaatil
Vekhade meny kiven javengi tu faster
Dabb de tu gas ni a little bit harder
A bit harder yo
I'm a rider, Provider
Bring the heat girl
I will bring the fire
And my name keeps
Scoring worldwider
So my job is to satisfy yaaa (aaa, ay, satisfy aaa, ai)
Call me call me Mr Makaveli
I make 'em disappear just like Harry Houdini
Ve ni me lyrically so insane ah
So I'm a cheast te diamond diya Chainaa
Sanu na kise di vi cheez di problem
Kehnde lok they see me as a problem
Samaj na aave menu ki ay problem
I give them a cure with a fresh new album
I'm a rider, Provider
Bring the heat girl
I will bring the fire
And my name keeps going worldwider
So my job is to satisfy yaaa (aaa, ay, satisfy aaa, ai)
Never gonna stop while I'm hard working
I am in a zone where you can't step in
Hit nahio Baneya ve straight to the bin
This is the way I like ta workin'
Never gonna stop while I'm hard working
I am in a zone where you can't step in
Hit nahio Baneya ve straight to the bin
So move out the way ay, ay, ay
I'm a rider, Provider
Bring the heat girl
I will bring the fire
And my name keeps
Scoring worldwider
So my job is to satisfy yaaa (aaa, ay, satisfy aaa, ai)
I'm a rider, Provider
Bring the heat girl
I will bring the fire
And my name keeps
Scoring worldwider
So my job is to satisfy yaaa (aaa, ay, satisfy aaa, ai)

Imran Khan Otras canciones:


imran khan satisfya
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