Imagine Dragons Believer

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BelieverImagine Dragons

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Tiempo: 03:36 Tamaño: 3.32 Mb Descargas: 10 Puntos de vista: 13

Imagine Dragons - Believer - Vídeoclip

Tiempo: 03:36 Tamaño: 37.53 Mb Formato: .mp4 Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 13



Imagine Dragons Believer Letra

I played my part

Inside I rage

You will belongTo memories

I'll give you love

So play your part

Convince yourself

I'm all you need

All that is mine

I lay at your feet

And all that I am

Belongs to you

I'm turning away

From what I know is true

I want to feel alive

Time to let go

Let's start the beating

The night has come

Inside I take you

All yourself is gone

Inside there will be fear

Intent to pull us down

I whisper in your ear

"More of what once was here"

All that is mine

I lay at your feet

And all that I am

Belongs to you

I'm turning away

From what I know is true

I want to feel alive

Time to let go
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