Iamsu Shang Hai

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Shang HaiIamsu

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Iamsu Shang Hai Letra

She say she's done with me but it's not the last time
I love talking baseball America's past time
Now I got the wave they searching all day for me with a flashlight
Big dough watch the cash fly
Hole world of my last hype
I think she's from Shang Hai
I always keep her in mind
Elementary how they stand in line
I'm the teacher today I got time
I think...
I know too much
But I...
Never show too much
I remember eating frozen cups
Last time the boy see me he frozed up
She say she's done with me but it's not the last time
I love talking baseball America's past time
Now I got the wave they searching all day for me with a flashlight
Big dough watch the cash fly
Hole world off my last hype
Make her walk a fine line
I treat her line fine shine
VVS all on my eyes


iamsu shang hai
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