Iamsu I Love My Squad

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I Love My SquadIamsu

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Iamsu I Love My Squad Letra

HBK yeah you know how we
And I can't quit all I know is
HBK yeah you know how we
And I can't quit all I know is
I love my gang
Wherever I go, my homies come too
I love my squad
We up in this thing, like what that shit do
I love my squad, I love my squad
I love my squad, I love my squad
Back up in this bitch, back up in this bitch
Make your lady back up in this bitch and hop up in the six
And you should know these rappers man, they say anything
I am a Suzy piggy bank, I got plenty change
She rep HBK the gang over everything
Fuck a bitch, I'm married to the game, with a wedding ring
Everybody try to duplicate, we just innovate
Young and making plenty cake, and my niggas straight
I'ma heart break vet, being broke what I can't accept
I'ma hold it down to the…


iamsu love squad
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