Hooverphonic Wake Up

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Wake UpHooverphonic

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Hooverphonic Wake Up Letra

You're the needle
In my veins
Pleasure mostly
Ends in pain
Temptation is a part of us
But us is driving me insane
Now it's time to make decisions
Yes ain't easy but no's too safe
Wake up
Don't tell me what do
Wake up
Don't tell me what to say
Wake up
But there's one thing you can tell
Wake up
And that's how I'd feel
When there's no more you
When there's no more you
We don't need no competition
In the end this is no game
Deliver me your best and I will
Give you what is left of me
Excuses are the final drop
Excuses don't relieve the pain
Solitude ain't so bad
When there's nothing left for us to gain
Wake up
Don't tell me what do
Wake up
Don't tell me what to say
Wake up
But there's one thing you can tell
Wake up
And that's how I'd feel
When there's no more you
No more you
No more you
You're the needle
In my veins
Pleasure mostly
Ends in pain
Nothing left for
Us to gain
Wake up
Don't tell me what do
Wake up
Don't tell me what to say
Wake up
But there's one thing you can tell
Wake up
And that's how I'd feel
When there's no more you
When there's no more you
When there's no more you
When there's no more you
When there's no more you


hooverphonic wake
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