Hooverphonic Anger Never Dies

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Anger Never DiesHooverphonic

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Hooverphonic Anger Never Dies Letra

See the leaves how slow they tumble down
Covering the green and yellow lawn
As proof of what has been and what will come
Enjoying hazy light of early dawn
It ain't good enough, good enough
Good enough to try and not succeed
Anger never dies
It's part of life
It's part of you
The end will cease the fire
And make us accept we tend to lose
See the tears how slow they tumble down
Cover and believe in empty vows
And as proof of what has been and what will be
Alcohol puts us both to sleep
It ain't good enough, good enough
Good enough to try and not succeed
Anger never dies
It's part of life
It's part of you
The end will cease the fire
And make us accept we tend to lose
Anger never dies
It's part of life
It's part of you
The end will cease the fire
And make us accept we tend to lose
Anger never dies
It's part of life
It's part of you
The end will cease the fire
And make us accept we tend to lose
We tend to lose
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