Halogen Kid Again

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Kid AgainHalogen

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Halogen Kid Again Letra

I use my skin and bones as armor
I tried to hide myself from your harbor
I told you that you shouldn't botherBut you never quit on me
No, you never quit on me
You're pure as gold beyond the surface
There's no one else that still can make me nervous
What they call weakness we call perfect
I would never change a thing
No, I'd never change a thing

You make me feel like a kid again, kid again
Pulling my soul from the skeleton, skeleton
You love me to the core, I love you to the core
You love me to the core, I love you to the core

To the core
To the core

It's a journey to the center
And now you're all that I remember
We have no choice but to surrender

You make me feel like a kid again, kid again
Pulling my soul from the skeleton, skeleton
You love me to the core, I love you to the core
You love me to the core, I love you to the core

To the core
To the core

You make me feel like a kid again, kid again
Pulling my soul from the skeleton, skeleton
You love me to the core, I love you to the core
You love me to the core, I love you to the core

To the core
To the core


halogen kid again
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