Hadise When Ya Breathing On Me

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When Ya Breathing On MeHadise

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Hadise When Ya Breathing On Me Letra

Oh oh ooohh

Oh oh ooohh

If we'd stay all night on our pillow

Don't wake up the sun in our shadow

Show no light of the dawn, don't let the day through the door

All these come what mays, will crave for more

You're the apple, I'm the sinner (This feels so right)

I'll take a bite case I wanna (So right)

You're the apple, I'm the sinner

Go down on me...

When ya breathin' on me

You make that ooh come about me

When you give it to me

You make that ooh come about me

Oh oh ooohh

Oh oh ooohh

If we'd stay all night in this room

Just stay as long as the moon

If we could just be who we wanna be

Let nobody else kill the fantasy

This feels so right, this feels so right

When you go down on me

Your the apple I'm the sinner (This feels so right)

I'll take a bite cause I wanna (So…


hadise when breathing
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