Hadise Jealous

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Hadise Jealous Letra

I’m gonna trap a man
‘Cause I could never stand
How he hurt my friend
I’m gonna have revenge
Make him feel the same
Make him feel the pain

He will come to me, talk to me, flirt with me
He’ll think he’s got me in the sack (in the sack)
Play with me, lay it on me, dance with me
Another play thing in the bag
Right then when you think
You’re gonna get some
You’re gonna get none
This is my revenge

I’m gonna make him jealous
Show him tonight what hell is
I’m gonna freak him out
I’m gonna take him out
I’m gonna, I’m gonna make him jealous

I, I wanna know
I wanna know what hurts you
I wanna know what alerts you
Your ego is my key
So I can break it off
So I can break it off

He will come to me, talk to me, flirt with me
He’ll think he’s got me in the sack (in the sack)
Play with me, lay it on me, dance with me
Another play thing in the bag

I’m gonna make him jealous
Show him tonight what hell is
I’m gonna freak him out
I’m gonna take him out
I’m gonna, I’m gonna make him jealous

I wanna know
What hurts you
What alerts you

Just a fling ain’t my thing
It don’t matter what you bring
I’m gonna make him look the fool
I’m gonna make him sweat and drool
All the passion he has quenched
All the hurt he caused my friends
I’m gonna make him pay tonight
Show my sisters he ain’t right
Hey, oh, hey oh
I'm gonna make him pay tonight

I’m gonna make him jealous
Show him tonight what hell is
I’m gonna freak him out
I’m gonna take him out
I’m gonna make him jealous
Show him tonight what hell is
I’m gonna freak him out
I’m gonna make him jealous


hadise jealous
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