Hadise First Steps

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First StepsHadise

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Hadise First Steps Letra

Hadise First Steps Şarkı Sözleri

I wasn’t looking for love but then again I’ve been single long enough When I saw you my heart jumped out You really stood out from the crowd
Tell me I’m not dreaming did you see him I’m going to marry that man Build a little house and a little garden See our babies running around
Sometimes it happens Love at first side We can make it happen tonight
First steps are slow In your mind you’ll never know But your heart says just go In love you’ll risk it all
I feel a little uneasy I know my eyes are a give away Boy don’t tease me Look at me don’t look away
Tell me I’m not dreaming did you see him I’m going to marry that man Build a little house and a little garden See our babies running around
Sometimes it happens Love at first side We can make it happen tonight
First steps are slow In your mind you’ll never know But your heart says just go In love you’ll risk it all


hadise first steps
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