Hadise Don't Ask

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Hadise Don't Ask Letra

Hadise - Don't Ask Sözleri

, I’m lying next to you

Feeling so good
 with all the things you do

I’m falling in love

And I’m in love with you

So don’t you ask, so don’t you ask this too

Was he good?

Was he better than me?

Was he good

Was he better than me?

What’s the matter with you
? Why you bringing this up

Why you’re talking ’bout my ex after we had sex?

Does it matter to you? Why you’re bringing this up

What’s in the past is in the past

So don’t ask

 I love your sense today

Today I saw your face and we dance the night away

, don’t make me turn away

Between the sheets you don’t say

The things you’re about to say

Was he good?

Was he better than me?

Was he good

Was he better than me?

What’s the matter with you
? Why you bringing this up

Why you’re talking ’bout my ex after we had sex?

Does it matter to you? Why you bringing this up

What’s in the past is in the past

What’s the matter with you
? Why you bringing this up

Why you’re talking ’bout my ex after we had sex?

Does it matter to you? Stop bringing him up

What’s in the past is in the past

So don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t ask

What’s in the past is in the past

If you’re in love than why do you ask

If he was better than why am I here?

What am I doing here lying in my bed?

Was he good?

Was he better than me?

Was he good

Was he better than me?

What’s the matter with you
? Why you bringing this up

Why you’re talking ’bout my ex after we had sex?

What’s it matter to you
? Why you’re bringing this up

What’s in the past is in the past

So don’t ask

Stop bringing him up, stop bringing him up

Stop bringing him up
, stop bringing him up

Stop bringing him up
, stop bringing him up

Stop bringing him up
, stop bringing him up

Stop bringing him up
, stop bringing him up (Don’t ask)

Don’t ask

Don’t ask


hadise dont ask
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