Fritz Kalkbrenner No Goodbye

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No GoodbyeFritz Kalkbrenner

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Fritz Kalkbrenner No Goodbye Letra

I got ghosts
Know you feel 'em, know you feel 'em
When you hold me close
It's those missed calls
That I don't answer
So he calls me from unknown
So you can show me love if you wanna
I've still got a hangover
He picked me up and put me down
Here I am and it's over
I look across and it's cold
Where we used to pillow talk for hours
'Cause I'm still sleeping with a broken heart
So I'll let you lay with me
I can hide my tears from you in the dark
While I'm lost in your body
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
You walk me home, I'm gonna let you inside
'Cause I'm still sleeping with a broken heart
Hope you don't mind
This isn't me
I'm running wild for him when I should be running free
I know my heart
Deserves to feel wrapped up in love, not torn apart
So show me love if you wanna
I've still got a hangover
He picked me up and put me down
Here I am and it's over
I look across and it's cold
Where we used to pillow talk for hours
'Cause I'm still sleeping with a broken heart
So I'll let you lay with me
I can hide my tears from you in the dark
While I'm lost in your body
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
You walk me home, I'm gonna let you inside
'Cause I'm still sleeping with a broken heart
Hope you don't mind, don't mind
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
You walk me home, I'm gonna let you inside
'Cause I'm still sleeping with a broken heart
Hope you don't mind, don't mind
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
Just for tonight
There's no goodbye
There's no goodbye
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