Fikret Kizilok Istanbul

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IstanbulFikret Kizilok

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Fikret Kizilok Istanbul Letra

We don't really know, know about them

People getting thrown, thrown away

They try to fight for a man and his rights,In the attempt they have died

Bodies rolling down, down the streets

Fading every hope, hope and creed

The everyday life passing us by,

We can't forget they have died

Stand up and shout it out, and shout it out

Hearts beat within the crowd, within the crowd

Shut down for being proud, for being proud

Hope they won't be too loud, too loud

Stand up and shout it out, and shout it out

Hearts beat within the crowd, the crowd

Shut down for being proud, for being proud

Hope they won't be too loud, won't be too loud

People they are proud and proud they stand

To certain point, point of view

The everyday life passing us by,

We can't forget they have died

And I hope, I hope that they can have it all

I hope that they can hear their call

Hope that they are gone

Stand up and shout it out, and shout it out

Hearts beat within the crowd, within the crowd

Shut down for being proud, for being proud

Hope they won't be too loud, too loud

Stand up and shout it out, and shout it out

Hearts beat within the crowd, the crowd

Shut down for being proud, for being proud

Hope they won't be too loud, won't be too loud

Stand up and shout it out, and shout it out

Hearts beat within the crowd, the crowd

Shut down for being proud, for being proud

Hope they won't be too loud, won't be too loud
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