Exodus A Good Day To Die

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A Good Day To DieExodus

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Exodus A Good Day To Die Letra

Woke up this morning and he
He took a look to the sky
The sun was hot and glowing
Decided today is a good day to die
He wasn't sure just how, no he didn't know
But he knew the reasons why
No one saw this coming because he kept it all inside
Out of control like a runaway train
Desperate to end all his pain
You've got to understand there's
A better plan if you can open your eyes
You told yourself on your road to ruin
Today is a good day, a good day to die
Life to you is such a heavy burden
Today is a good day, a good day to die
So that's what you want to do?
Take the easy way out
Suicide's only for cowards
Is that what you're all about
Are you afraid of the world around you?
Are you afraid of what might be?
Think of the ones who love you
All the things you'll never see
Out of control like a runaway train
Desperate to end all his pain
You've got to understand there's
A better plan if you can open your eyes
Friends all around, yet you feel so alone
Today is a good day, a good day to die
Carry on and you'll find the peace you've never known
Today is a good day, a good day to die


exodus good day die
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