Evanescence Your Star

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Your StarEvanescence

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Evanescence Your Star Letra

I can't see your star
I can't see your star
Though I patiently waited bedside for the death of todayI can't see your star
And the mechanical lights of Lisbon frightened it away

And I'm alone now
Me and all I stood for
We're wandering now
All in parts, and pieces swim lonely
Find your own way out

I can't see your star
I can't see your star
How can the darkness feel so wrong?

And I'm alone now
Me and all I stood for
We're wandering now
All in parts and pieces swim lonely
Find your own way out

So far away
It's growing colder without your love
Why can't you feel me calling your name?
Can't break the silence
It's breaking me
All my fears turn to rage

And I'm alone now
Me and all I stood for
We're wandering now
All in parts and pieces swim lonely
Find your own way out now, hey

Nothing worth fighting for
We're wandering now
All in parts and pieces swim lonely
Find your own way out


evanescence your star
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