Erdem Kinay feat Derin Togar - Shine

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feat Derin Togar - ShineErdem Kinay

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Erdem Kinay feat Derin Togar - Shine Letra

Erdem Kınay Shine Şarkı Sözleri

The light is breaking through
My eyes are set on you
You make my world brand knew
When you shine
The music keeps us high
Like a spinning satellite
Don`t need the day to rise on us
Don`t let the morning come
Like night has just begun
Yeah we don`t need the sun
Cuz we
So Bright
We Shine
All Night
Move me with me and fight the dawn
Let the rhythm push us on
Pretend tomorrow
Will never come
Don`t let the morning come
Like night has just begun
Yeah we don`t need the sun
Cuz we
So Bright
We Shine
All Night
Söz: Derin Togar, Susan Ruth Robin
Müzik: Erdem Kınay, Derin Togar, Susan Ruth Robin

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