Enrique Iglesias Tonight

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TonightEnrique Iglesias

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Enrique Iglesias Tonight Letra

Enrique Iglesias Tonight Sözleri

We're strong, we're weak, we're tired
We're straight, we're gay, we're bi
We're black, we're white - why
To tell the truth, we lie
We get so trapped inside our little lives
They disappear, before our very eyes

So come on live it up tonight
Live it up tonight, move on
It's time we gave it up tonight
Live it up tonight

We won, we lost, we tried
Be a saint, i'm fine cos i died
I'm so sick and tired of crying So tonight, it's time, just fly
So now we got so close
Caught up in the deal

The only thing we had is real

So we can keep it, make it real
Can't you feel

Though it hurts so bad
To say goodbye
I know my love for you
Is still alive

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