Enrique Iglesias Ring My Bells

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Ring My BellsEnrique Iglesias

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Enrique Iglesias Ring My Bells Letra

Enrique Iglesias Ring My Bells Sözleri

Ring my bells, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

Sometimes you love it
Sometimes you don't
Sometimes you need it then you don't then you let go

Sometimes we rush it
Sometimes we fall
It doesn't matter baby we can take it real slow

Cause the way that we touch it's something that we can't deny
And the way that you move oh you make me feel alive
So come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

You try to hide it
I know you do
When all you realy want is me to come and get you

You move in closer
I feel you breathe
It's like the world just disappears when you're around me oh
Cause the way that we touch it's something that we can't deny oh yeah
And the way that you move oh you make me feel alive
So come on

And ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

I Say you want,I say you need
I can tell by your face you love the way it turns me on

I say you want, I say you need
I will do what it takes and I would never do you wrong

Cause the way that we love is something that we can't fight oh no
I just can't get enough oh you make me feel alive
So come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

I Say you want, I say you need
I Say you want, I say you need
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
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