Dr Skull Metal on Metal

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Metal on MetalDr Skull

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Dr Skull Metal on Metal Letra

deep in the dark
hate to see the light
constipates the morning
comforts me the night
i walk in the shadows
run from the sun
fly to the moon
dive underground
i hate disco dance
i hate it more than lies
i only believe in metal
it's just like a f.... knife *
new s***s are on the block
they are farting in my ear
i'm rocking till i'm mad
my voilence is sheer

metal on metal

my girl's in black
what a fire in her eyes
every night she's born
every morning she dies
she's warm and she's hot *
wild as a shark
a witch for a stranger
queen of the dark
she hates disco dance
she hates it more than lies
she only believes in me
the fire in my eyes

rules are sucking d***
they make no sense to me

metal on metal

shut the f. up
once we got long hair
no one could tell us what to do
we didn't hear, didn't care
we got freedom
we got to use it
fast and the best
coz we didn't wanna lose it
nothing was trouble
coz we were the trouble
when we were drinking the trouble was doubled
fighting for respect in a god damn battle
this was the story of metal on metal


skull metal metal
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