Dove Cameron Born Ready

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Born ReadyDove Cameron

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Dove Cameron Born Ready Letra

Ready, set

Time to be a fighter

Don't look down, keep on climbing higherBe yourself, 'cause heroes shine in different ways

And when your voice can't make a sound

Just know we hear you all around

Don't need to fit into the crowd

To be a force of nature

We're gonna be, we're gonna be, we're gonna be the best

They're gonna see, they're gonna see that we were born for this

So if it takes forever

We'll save the world together

We were born ready

We were born ready, yeah, yeah, yeah

And if your heart surrenders

We'll hold it up together

We were born ready

We were born ready

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me

So if it takes forever

We'll save the world together

We were born ready

We were born ready, yeah, yeah, yeah

And if your heart surrenders

We'll hold it up together

We were born ready

We were born ready

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me

Don't care if the world ain't ready

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me

We were born ready

We were born ready

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me


dove cameron born ready
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