Depeche Mode Strangelove

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StrangeloveDepeche Mode

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Depeche Mode Strangelove Letra

There'll be times
When my crimes
Will seem almost unforgivable
I give in to sin
Because you have to make this life livable
But when you think I've had enough
From your sea of love
I'll take more than another river full
Yes, and I'll make it all worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile
Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me?
Will you take the pain
I will give to you?
Again and again
And will you return it?
There'll be days
When I'll stray
I may appear to be
Constantly out of reach
I give in to sin
Because I like to practice what I preach
I'm not trying to say
I'll have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn
When you've got something to teach
And I'll make it all worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile
Pain, will you return it?
I'll say it again, pain
Pain, will you return it?
I'll say it again, pain
Pain, will you return it?
I'll say it again, pain
Pain, will you return it?
I won't say it again
Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me?
Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me?
Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me?
I give in
Again and again
I give in
Will you give it to me?
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in
I give in
Again and again
I give in
That's how my love goes
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in
I give in
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