Dennis Lloyd Think About It

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Think About ItDennis Lloyd

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Dennis Lloyd Think About It Letra

Turn around, turn around
Look around yourself
and think about it-
think about it
Pack your bags-
get a flight to the 'nowhere land'
Don't think about it-
think about it
All the motherfucking haters trying to bring you down
Don't think about them- think about me
Do you wanna live your life in their lonely way?
Think about it, think about it
No, no no no...
Put your little middle finger in the air right now!
Don't think about it-
think about it
and I won't go down
Think about it-
think about it
Turn around, turn around
Look around yourself
Don't think about them-
Think about me
Chasing ghosts all your life wouldn't bring the back
Think about it-
think about it
No, no no no...


dennis lloyd think about
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