Darin Whos That Girl

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Whos That GirlDarin

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Darin Whos That Girl Letra

I saw her last night, standing in the crowd
And in a sudden flash of glory, I was blinded
And though everything was moving,
My hole world came to stop,
And now I need to know, please I need to know
Who's that girl, tell me what's her name
Who's that girl, does she feel the same
Who's that girl, huh, this is no ordinary crush
If I have to I'll go halfway round the world
Who's that girl
Angel eyes of mine, where have you gone to
Were you really here, or was it just a dream
In a sea of smiling faces, someone special caught my eyes
Now I need to know, please I need to know
Who's that girl, tell me what's her name
Who's that girl, does she feel the same
Who's that girl, huh, this is no ordinary crush
If I have to I'll go halfway round the world
Who's that girl
In the white dress,
With the deep blue eyes,
And the magic smile,
Has anybody seen her?
And though everything was moving,
My hole world came to stop
And now I need to know, please I need to know
Who's that girl (Who's that girl in front of me? I wanna tell you I love you)
Who's that girl (Ohh, I don't even know who you are)
Who's that girl (I wanna know, what's your name, tell me who you are, baby)
If I have to I'll go halfway around the world (Yahaaayy)
Who's that girl (Show me, show me, I wanna see your face, baby)
Who's that girl (Baby girl, baby girl, nooo)
Who's that girl (Tell me, oohhh)
This is no ordinary crush
If I have to I'll go halfway round the world
Who's that girl
Has anybody seen her?


darin whos that girl
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